Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chrysler plans '09 summer shutdown


Chrysler LLC told employees this week that the automaker will again take a two-week summer shutdown next year, giving salaried workers much more notice than before.

While summer production shutdowns are the norm in Detroit, Chrysler in July required most white-collar workers to take a two-week vacation, too. Workers were told of the news last March and some complained about the lack of notice.

But 2009 is going to be different.

“We felt it was important to communicate the dates at this early stage to better enable employees to make plans,” said Nancy Rae, Chrysler executive vice president of human resources and communications, in a memo to workers.

She referred to it as a “decision to renew the summer break for 2009.”

Chrysler’s 2009 shutdown will be during the weeks of July 13 and July 20, according to Rae’s memo.

“We appreciate that employees approached this new shared time off with an open mind and team spirit,” Rae added.

Ford Motor Co. and General Motors Corp. have a summer shutdown at their factories, and often white-collar workers take time off during the period.

Shawn Morgan, a Chrysler spokeswoman, confirmed the memo was sent Wednesday.

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