Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chrysler extends required vacation weeks to 2009

LANSING JOURNAL DETROIT - Chrysler LLC has decided to keep its requirement that all workers take the same two-week summer vacation.

The company told employees by e-mail on Wednesday that the 2009 summer break will take place the weeks of July 13 and 20.

The struggling automaker told workers in March that it would require all of them to take the same two weeks off this year.

North American factories have traditionally shut down for a week or two in the summer as equipment is updated for new vehicle models, but this year was the first time that all employees, including salaried, were affected.

"With this early notification, the intent is for the majority of employees to take this time off to improve on the efficiencies achieved in 2008," Nancy Rae, executive vice president for human resources, said in an e-mail to Chrysler employees.

Chrysler has said this year's required vacation time was not a cost-saving measure, but an attempt to become more efficient. But industry analysts said cost savings were probably a factor.

Rae said in the e-mail that early notification for next year would help employees make plans.

Chrysler spokeswoman Shawn Morgan confirmed that the e-mail was sent Wednesday.

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