Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This Day in Auto History:

Automobile Quarterly
Automobile Quarterly

William C. Durant marries Clara Pitt in Flint, MI
The Automobile Company of America is formed in Bridgeport, CT by John Brisben Walker, Editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, and asphalt paving magnate Amzi Lorenzo Barber to produce the Locomobile steam car based on designs purchased from F. E. and F. O. Stanley
The Brooklands motor course opens in Weybridge, England
Enzo Ferrari records his first racing victory, winning a 166-mile event at the Circuito del Savio near Ravenna, Italy in an Alfa Romeo RL TF – it was at this race that Ferrari met the Count and Countess Baracca who suggested that he use the prancing horse emblem of their son, a World War I pilot, a logo that would grace all Ferrari cars in later years
The Cord Corporation is organized in Chicago, IL with E. L. Cord as President, Lucius B. Manning as Vice President, Raymond S. Pruitt as Secretary, and Hayden Hodges as Treasurer

Source: Automobile History Day By Day, by Douglas A. Wick

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