Thursday, April 3, 2008

Chrysler LLC Presents Scholarship Competition for Students to Tell Their Story of Metro Detroit

High school, undergraduate and graduate students get to write about the "D"

AUBURN HILLS, Mich., April 3, 2008 /PRNewswire/ -- To focus on the many aspects of Detroit and surrounding southeast Michigan area, Chrysler LLC has created a "My Journey through The D" essay contest for high school, undergraduate and graduate students. Participating students are encouraged to share a personal account or defining moment that underscores Detroit's impact on their life. There will be 15 scholarships distributed and the sum of all awards totals $28,500.
"This is a great opportunity for Chrysler to provide scholarship awards for higher education to students in our community, and to see the impact our region has on our youth," Leven Weiss, Senior Manager - Civic & Community Relations, Chrysler, said.
Chrysler has a long history of commitment to southeast Michigan; the Company is taking a look at the city's future by obtaining feedback from the youth of today. Students will have the opportunity to put their creativity, objectivity and originality to use, by providing a first-hand account of their experience living in metro Detroit. As an added incentive, essays will be judged by select academic and community group leaders, as well as print and broadcast partners, with the chance for students to get their work in front of potential employers.
Students should create their own headline and present reasons to support what and why they feel about Detroit and the surrounding southeast Michigan area. Essays should be between 500 and 750 words and written from the author's personal point of view. Students can submit their essay online at Chrysler's "My Journey through The D" essay contest Web site: The Web site will accept submissions starting April 1, 2008, and the deadline to submit an essay is May 1, 2008, at 5:00 p.m.
There will be three contest winners and two honorable mentions selected in the high school, undergraduate and graduate student categories for a total of 15 winners. The scholarship awards range from $500 to $5,000.
All winning essays will be posted on Chrysler's "My Journey through The D" Web site and readers will be invited to comment on each winning essay's content.
In addition, winners will be honored at a reception this summer at the Walter P. Chrysler Museum.
For a complete list of submission guidelines, eligibility and contact information, please visit

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