Thursday, March 27, 2008

VIDEO: Dodge Challenger fan commercial rates highly

Click above to view fanboy promo

The quintessential car chase may have been immortalized in movies like The French Connection and Bullitt, but there have been dozens of chase flicks with everything from Pontiac Trans Ams to Dodge Challengers as the star. The 1971 movie Vanishing Point served as a classic for Mopar faithful, as the film centers around a troubled car delivery guy trying to get a supercharged 1970 Challenger from Colorado to San Fransisco in 15 hours while the fuzz is on his tail.

With an all-new Challenger on the horizon, one fan took the time to make a video tribute to the muscle car vs. police movie, and the early reviews are positive. The amateur movie maker took clips from the original movie and spliced in Chrysler b-roll of the 2008 SRT Challenger for a very well produced faux promo. We were especially impressed with the effects employed to superimpose clips of the new Challenger in action over the old movie clips. Hit the jump to watch the one-minute short, and if you haven't seen the original movie, we've also embedded the original theatrical trailer for Vanishing Point. Thanks for the tip, Mitch!

[Source: YouTube]

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