Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This Day in Auto History: by CC

Automobile Quarterly
Automobile Quarterly

Thomas Hancock, the father of the British rubber industry whose efforts paralleled those of Charles Goodyear in the United States, dies in Stoke Newington, England at age 78
Samuel B,. Dusinberre of the New Departure Manufacturing Company dies in Detroit, MI at age 54
Russell Huff, Chief Engineer of the Packard Motor Car Company who later served as a consulting engineer for Dodge Brothers, Inc. and was President of the Society of Automotive Engineers in 1916, dies in Saint Petersburg, FL at age 52
Lella Lombardi, the first woman to earn points in Formula 1 Grand Prix competition, is born in Frugarolo, Alessandria, Piedmont, Italy
Louis W. Shank of the Ethyl Gasoline Corporation dies at age 58

Source: Automobile History Day By Day, by Douglas A. Wick

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