Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Clinton makes a pre-dawn visit to Toledo Jeep workers on primary eve

Hillary Clinton greets Jeep worker Carrie Ruci as she enters the Toledo North Assembly Plant early Monday. (THE BLADE/LISA DUTTON)

In a sign of how important Ohio is to her presidential election hopes, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton was up before dawn Monday to greet the morning shift at the Toledo Jeep factory.

Mrs. Clinton is wrapping up a swing through Ohio on the eve of the state’s primary election Tuesday, and was set to speak to a rally at the University of Toledo before leaving for Texas.

She faces Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in the primary, and is hoping for victories in Ohio and Texas to turn back Mr. Obama rather than to end his winning streak in the race for the nomination.

Mrs. Clinton met workers at the Chrysler LLC’s Jeep assembly plant in North Toledo between 5:30 and 6 a.m. About 500 people arrived for the shift change. They shook hands with Mrs. Clinton, some embraced her, and some pledged to support her in Tuesday’s election.


• Polls in Ohio are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
• To read a complete list of what’s on the ballot, go to www.sos.state.oh.us.
• Voters should bring a picture identification, such as an Ohio driver’s license, or bring a copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government document, or paycheck with their name and current address.
• Voters in Lucas County and several area counties will use electronic voting machines but may request a paper optical-scan ballot instead.
• Ohio’s primary is an “open primary,” meaning that voters may request a Republican or Democratic ballot no matter their
previous political party affiliation.
• Voters may also request an “issues only” ballot.

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