Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Chrysler changes product leadership

Chrysler changes product leadership

Chrysler LLC, which has seen several high-level executive moves since coming under control of Cerberus Capital Management last August, announced more changes Tuesday -- this time to the product-development end of the company.

The company set up five teams for product development: Jeep; truck; car and minivan; future midsize, and street and racing technology. The new product-development roles, effective immediately:

• Daniel C. Knott is vice president of the Jeep product team. He had been vice president of product development core components, processes and international engineering.

• Scott G. Kunselman is vice president of the truck product team. He had been a vice president on the body-on-frame product team.

• Larry D. Lyons is vice president of the car and minivan product team. He had been vice president of the front-wheel drive product team and core team leader, product development.

• Michael F. Donoughe continues as a vice president and will lead development of future product in the midsize segment, which the company calls an important category worldwide. He had been vice president in body-on-frame product development, a product team leader and core team leader.

• Kipp D. Owen continues leading street and racing technology programs.

Furthermore, Chrysler made Mark M. Chernoby vice president of core components, processes and international engineering and James B. Issner vice president of advance vehicle engineering.


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