Monday, December 3, 2007

Rumormill: Mitsubishi Concept-RA may hint at Eclipse for Europe

This is not just rumormill, this is rumors of hints and suggestions made by anonymous people. Just last week we wondered whether Mitsubishi's Concept-RA would lead to a new -- and proper -- Eclipse. What Car? went further, and although citing nothing more than "insiders," said that the red zinger "could be a forerunner for a new Eclipse coupe, which could go on sale in Europe."

True, that's a lot of coulds. But it wasn't so long ago that the Eclipse was an object of desire, and there can't be any doubt that Mitsubishi would love to see those days return -- especially after watching rival Nissan revive brand lust by slowly reinjecting its products with feeling.

Mitsubishi's attempt to mainstream the Eclipse robbed it of the fan base it had and yet didn't grow a new one. We suppose the questions, as always, would be money and the business case, but we for one would love to see Mitsu do that car, right there, in the picture above, as the new Eclipse. If they could get enough other people behind it, we wouldn't be surprised if they did. (Hint: that means it's time to tell them what you think. The comments box is waiting. Europeans are welcome.)

[Source: What Car?]

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