Monday, October 1, 2007

Dodge Durango hybrid manager blogs about working on the Two-Mode

The latest entry on the new Voices of Chrysler blog is from Abdullah Bazzi, the manager of the Dodge Durango hybrid program. The first Chrysler hybrids are still a year away from launch and we got a preview of the Durango and Aspen hybrids last spring at Chrysler's 2008 model introduction. Chrysler has been collaborating with Mercedes-Benz, GM and BMW on developing the Two-Mode hybrid system for light duty vehicle applications. Not only have the companies been working on the product engineering, they have also been working on vehicle assembly issues. In an unusual scenario, representatives from the partner companies have been spending time at GM's Arlington TX plant (where the Yukon and Tahoe are assembled) learning about the issues involved with building the Two-Mode hybrid-equipped vehicles.

[Source: Chrysler Blog]


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