Monday, September 24, 2007

Theft Occurs at Chrysler Fenton Plant

Okay, I know I ahven't posted to here for forever & a day - haven't had much to say.

But, this, however, was worth posting about!! *eg*

My current job assignment is for Logistics Insights, Inc., which happens to be an offshoot of Central Transport, Inc, of Detroit, MI. I work in the shipping/receiving office (aka "White House") of a cross-dock/warehouse facility for Chrysler.

Chrysler, recently, went all paranoid about theft and wanted us to keep all the building doors in the back locked and shut when not during shift change, yadda yadda yadda...... (which really screws w/ me, since I don't work the same shifts as everyone else - I work mid-day 10:00 to 18:30) Like I would want any Chrysler parts? I drive a Mazda!! I don't want a Chrysler! I think that they are sucky cars. (My family has had 2 in recent years & both have sucked tremendously!)

So today, getting ready for work, this is what I heard on the morning news:

"Thieves stole four brand new Dodge Ram pickup trucks Monday morning from the Chrysler plant in Fenton.The pursuit topped 100-miles an hour as Webster Groves and Kirkwood police chased the suspects on Interstate-44 in Fenton into St. Louis city around 1:15 this morning. The suspects wrecked two of the four stolen trucks. One of them hitting a tree and the other hitting a light pole. The suspects then escaped. Police recovered three of the four trucks." (From Fox 2 KTVI's website)

And, Chrysler was paranoid about LSI people stealing parts? Yeah, right.........

Come on, we have the Big Three (GM, Ford & Chrysler) in town and none of them, before now, have ever had a theft of vehicles from the factory lot. Ford's plant is up in Hazelwood, MO, which is a not so good neighborhood and yet, they've never had a theft of this scale before.

This just stinks of an inside job. Someone at Chrysler, had to shoot his mouth off to his buddies about where the trucks are parked, the fact that the keys are left in the trucks, and that the security was very, very lax on the lots. I drive by one entrance to the finish lots on my way into work, and yes, there's a security shack, but half the time, it's not manned!

Again I state - Chrysler was worried about theft from our end? Yeah, right......

1 comment:

  1. The original posting is from August 2005. I thought this was for current information.
