Monday, September 10, 2007

Report: Daimler CEO open to engine work with BMW

Dieter Zetsche

Automotive News
September 10, 2007 - 12:01 am EST

FRANKFURT (Reuters) -- DaimlerChrysler would be open to jointly developing a motor with rival BMW, Daimler's CEO told a German magazine.

"I would not exclude such cooperation, if it makes sense for both sides," Dieter Zetsche told Der Spiegel magazine in an interview released in advance of publication on Monday. The Porsche Cayenne SUV has been successful with its Volkswagen engine, Zetsche said.

Daimler is talking to number of companies about joint projects but there have been no decisions, he said.

Zetsche said he was not in favor of a cross-shareholding between the two companies. The takeover of BMW by Daimler that nearly happened decades ago would not have been a good thing for either company, he said.

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