Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hulk Hogan Defends Nick Hogan's Car Crash With Some Skewed Logic

By Jim Roberts
Sep 4, 2007

When Nick Hogan crashed his yellow Toyota Supra just over a week ago, his father, reality television star and former wrestler Hulk Hogan, was quick to arrive on the scene. So quick was the Hulkster that many believed he may have been racing his 17-year old kid in the streets. Reports from the scene have claimed that before the crash Nick was racing silver Dodge Viper.
Hulk Hogan Priorities Seem Skewed in Nick Hogan Crash (Wenn)
Hulk Hogan Priorities Seem Skewed in Nick Hogan Crash (Wenn)

A witness named Frances Vitalis came forward and was quoted by the Associated Press as saying that the cars were revving their engines and racing between traffic signals before 17-year-old Nick Bollea's (Nick Hogan's real name) car smashed into a median and spun into a palm tree Sunday night.


"We knew something was going to happen," said Vitalis, who was riding a motorcycle with a friend behind the cars. "You know that this is a bad situation and these guys are hot-dogging." So was it Hulk behind the wheel?

Clearwater police spokesman Wayne Shelor issued a statement Wednesday saying Hulk Hogan "was not driving a car beside or near the one his son, Nick, was driving when it crashed." Shelor said Hogan arrived at the scene minutes after the crash. So he was close by.


Now Us Weekly has a tease of an interview where it sounds like the reality TV star has lost touch with reality. Hogan denies rumors that his son had been drag racing at the time of the accident. "It's just so unfair. There's not a bad bone in my son Nick's body, the most important thing to me was from all the eyewitnesses and from everyone who saw the accident, was that they were not racing."

He may want to read the Associated Press account. Hogan continues: "Nick's car was the only car involved. The media jumped on my son. I tell my son to stay strong because at the end of the day when all the facts are in, it was an accident."


Certainly this was an accident, but it is likely time to get the young kid out from behind the wheel of a car for a while. Hogan adds: “Nick is doing well, he's got a broken arm and a broken rib and some stuff wrong with his knees but he's hanging in there. He's going to be ok and we're going to move forward."

The real shame is his passenger. John Graziano, 22, remains in critical condition at Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, according to the report. Nick "hanging in there" and his treatment by the press should be the least of either Hogan's worries. That's some seriously skewed logic and really bad PR.

1 comment:

  1. Accidents happen. They are tragic. Celebrities are not perfect. Being closed minded and unforgiving is not Godly. I assure you that all your judgement is far worse than the accident (unintended situation) Nick was invovled in. I pray for everyone invovled. Chances are Nick is hurting way more than his friend. Emotional pain and guilt can hurt way more than physical pain. I am sure his conscience is in tact. Is yours (all of you with your hateful comments)?
