Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Automobile Quarterly
Automobile Quarterly
This Day in Auto History:

Alice Huyler Ramsey arrives in San Francisco, CA in her Maxwell Model 30, completing the first trans-United States automobile trip by a woman driver
The Barley, named for Albert C. Barley of the Roamer Motor Car Company, is introduced in Kalamazoo, MI
Giulio Ramponi competes in his first major racing event, finishing third in the Cuneo-Colle della Maddelena Hillclimb in an Alfa Romeo
The 1,000,000th 1935 General Motors vehicle, a Chevrolet, is produced
The last races are held at Brooklands - the Third August Outer-Circuit Handicap is won by G. L. Baker in a Graham-Paige, the Mountain Handicap is won by band leader Billy Cotton in an E.R.A., and the Campbell Circuit Race is won by Raymond Mays in an E.R.A.

Source: Automobile History Day By Day, by Douglas A. Wick

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