Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nardelli: Jeep Commander “Doing a Great Job”

Chrysler’s new CEO Bob Nardelli doubtlessly has a steep learning curve ahead of him. Without the benefit of previous experience in the auto industry, the ex-Home Depot bigwig faces a pretty big game of catch-up when it comes to learning about product.

Nardelli was recently quoted by the Detroit News lauding Jeep’s troubled Commander, saying that it has been “doing a great job” for the automaker. This, despite disappointing sales and marginal reviews since the SUV’s inception, not to mention reports surfacing in January that Jeep’s largest offering is likely to be canned after 2009.

To be fair, Nardelli doubtlessly brings a plate of other skills to the table, and sometimes an outside perspective can be just what the doctor ordered. But if the new CEO has any hope of turning Chrysler’s ship around, we respectfully advise that he gets tabs on his own product line before stepping in front of any microphones.

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