Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hispanic Heritage Night set

¡Hola! Friday night is Hispanic Heritage Night at the Olde Towne Market when we honor our friends to the south.

Our attendance each Friday continues to grow. Thank you to all of you who attend to support this event.

There will be lively music provided by the Mariachi Lobo Band. These 11 musicians are awesome! You won't hear a better mariachi band anywhere. The mariachis will perform at 5:30 p.m. We promise some spectacular entertainment.

Our food vendors continue to increase. Last week, we added Philippine food and fish and chips.

Last week, I tried the Knights of Columbus' hamburger and the firefighters' cheesecake. Both were wonderful and very reasonable in price - only $1 for the dessert and they have a variety of offerings. I will definitely try them again before we close for the season.

If you would like to schedule a food booth, call the Lompoc Valley Chamber of Commerce at 736-4567 and you will get all the information you need plus help meeting Health Department requirements.

Local vendors and organizations are on hand to discuss their programs and display their merchandise. There is a variety of jewelry, candles, beauty products and crafts. Come on down and check them out.

Lompoc will enter America in Bloom in 2009 when we showcase our community. Be sure to stop by the America in Bloom kiosk and view the video describing the program. Sign up for the plant drawing; a drawing is held every hour for a beautiful plant.

We continue to offer events for the kids. Jan the Clown is always there to entertain the young ones with her antics and, of course, the Bounce House continues to be one of the favorites.

This week, the Vandenberg Village Calvary Baptist Church Youth Ministry Group will do some creative face painting. Come down, kids, and get your faces painted.

California Dodge Chrysler and Jeep, Union Bank of California and Compacts continue to be our generous sponsors. We couldn't offer this event without their support. Be sure and visit them and thank them.

We would also like to thank Street Superintendent Joe Orsua and the Lompoc Street Department crew for all of their assistance in providing for the street closures. They are tremendous. It is a privilege to work with someone like Joe, who is so cooperative and community-minded.

We also express our appreciation to Jeremy Conley and his crew from New Life Christian Academy for the cleanup service following each Friday's event. They do a great job keeping the area neat and clean.

Next week's theme is Community Services and Health and Wellness. We will also hold the annual bed races.

This year we have discontinued the bed race entry fee, and the winner of the fastest race time will receive $100 to be paid to their favorite nonprofit charity.

Awards will be given to the most humorous entry and the entry best depicting the bed race theme, “Proud to be an American.”

Call the chamber and reserve your bed frame. There is a limited supply - only eight - so call early. If you want to manufacture your own bed, the chamber has specifications. Race starts at 6 p.m. in the 200 block of South H Street.

If you haven't attended the OTM, time is running out; only five more Fridays before we close for the season. Plan to attend, I guarantee you will savor the food, enjoy the entertainment and meet new and old friends.

See you Friday night at the Olde Towne Market.

Alice Milligan is a member of the Olde Towne Market Committee.

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