Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Automobile Quarterly
Automobile Quarterly
This Day in Auto History:

The Green Bay-Madison (WI) automobile race concludes after six days elapsed time but just 33 hours, 27 minutes of actual running time for an average of 6 mph - the winners are Frank A. Shomer and A. M. Farrand in the Oshkosh steamer
Soldier and diplomat Henry Albert Byroade, a longtime classic car enthusiast, is born in Allen County, IN
The 100,000th Star is produced
David Alec Gwyn Simon of the British Petroleum Company PLC is born in London, England
Frederick Wilhelm Hohensee, the German-born associate of William C. Durant who helped design and build the first Chevrolet, dies in Yonkers, NY at age 83

Source: Automobile History Day By Day, by Douglas A. Wick

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