Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This Day in Auto History: 15 MAY

Automobile Quarterly
Automobile Quarterly
This Day in Auto History:

New York City issues its first driver’s license
The Fryckman automobile is unveiled in Souris, ND
Automotive historian Richard Alexander Hough is born in Brighton, Sussex, England
The Mercedes-Benz W154 race car records its first victory as Hermann Lang, Manfred von Brauchitsch, and Rudolf Caracciola take the first three places in the Tripoli (Libya) Grand Prix – Eugenio Siena, winner of the 1932 Spa (Belgium) 24-hour race, is killed during the race
Racer Chet Miller is killed at age 50 when his Novi crashes during a practice session for the Indianapolis 500

Source: Automobile History Day By Day, by Douglas A. Wick

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